Special K Ranch is designed to be a long-term or permanent living arrangement for adults who have developmental disabilities. It is not often that there is a vacancy. However, occasionally a spot will open. Candidates for residency may apply at the age of 18; however, residency cannot take place until the age of 25. SKR is not designed to accommodate those individuals exhibiting extreme behavior, emotional disturbances, or criminal delinquency. Residents must have the ability to manage primary self-help skills and to communicate basic needs.
Prospective residents and family begin the process by first filling out an application packet. In addition, a psychological evaluation and other development reports are requested.
After the completed application and background information is received, the screening committee determines whether to proceed with an interview with the applicant and family. Following this interview, a sixty-day trial period may be offered to the applicant.
At the end of the trial period, the screening committee may extend the trial period, offer permanent residency, or reject an applicant based on information gathered and experience with the applicant during the trial period.
When an individual becomes a resident at Special K Ranch, they are encouraged to bring their own bedroom furniture and decorate their room.
We'd love to get the conversation started. Please contact us for more information.